



Oh My God! They Killed (SPOILER)!!!
Oh My God! They Killed (SPOILER)!!!
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Stuff we want to talk about
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

First of all I wanted to thank all of my friends who went to Otacon with me! Thanks for the ride, thanks for the food IN the car on the way up to the con, and thanks for helping me mock all the really terrible cosplayers who apparently think that by putting on a sailor fuku 3 sizes too small for their big-boned build they're not only instantly recognizable as the character they're dressing as, but that they're the most beautiful creature on the entire green Earth, and we should all gaze in awe and wonder at their enormous girth. Seriously, when did cosplay become NOT embarrassing?

Anyway, on to today's comic. I had read the Rossman's Evangelion FAQ page even before I first met him, and was always pissed that he never answered the ONE question that I really had about the series: Who shot Kaji?! I don't believe it was Misato (her job didn't mean that much to her, and I doubt she would have done it just so that a stranger didn't do it later [you know, the whole "a loved one may as well do it so somebody who doesn't give a crap about the doomed one won't do it later" thing]), and I don't believe Sadamoto's reasoning that Ritsuko did it (as I believe [I don't read the manga, so I'm only going by hearsay here] was shown in the ALTERNATE telling of the tale that he wrote, that ANNO had NO part of)... So I told the Rossman to draw a cartoon putting to rest once and for all who capped Kaji. And here we are.

Other than that, the Rossman just got in an assload of new movies that we'll probably watch this weekend, including The Duelist, Jet Li's Fearless, Typhoon, The Promise and Shadowless Sword. So keep an eye out on therossman.com for some upcoming movie reviews. Hmmmm, I can't think of anything else, so either get back to work, keep on surfing the net (and catch up on some comics on this site you may have missed), or fire off an email to your mother. Seriously, when was the last time you talked to the woman who gave birth to you? Too busy looking up naughty pictures online? I don't think she'll buy that excuse.

- Karen

